Bibi Fathima Sirkhot Aka Cookingwithbibi
Kitchen Hand
South Africa , Joined 14 years ago
©ookingwithѢΐѢΐ is an interactive Blackberry
application service as well as a Facebook
Page, that contributes original created
recipes, techniques and discussions
pertaining to all things culinary.
©ookingwithѢΐѢΐ is also the Trading name for
my Personalised Catering Solution for small
to medium Personal & Corporate Functions,
bridal showers, baby showers, birthday
parties, dinner parties, barbecue’s, even the
weekend picnic’s and family getaways to
name a few.
Culinary services include a wide spread of
both Fusion and Contemporary cuisine
covering Asian blends, Indian Contemporary,
Experimental Fusion, with an array of
traditional classics with a twist.
Services include: Courses ranging from 3 to 7
Tailored specific courses are available on
Menus are designed specific to the
occasion, theme and as per the clientele. A
selection of highly recommended cuisine is
offered ranging from exotic seafood dishes
as starters right down to indulgent, decadent
individual plated dessert options
Email. cookingwithbibi @gmail.com