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Recipe by Fathima Mahomed
Pic credit by Fathima Mahomed
Cappuccino Mix☕
Homemade Ideal gift in a jar
This is an Italian coffee drink that is traditionally prepared with double espresso, hot milk, and steamed milk foam on top. Cream may be used instead of milk and is often topped with cinnamon powder.
1 cup instant chocolate drink mixture ¾ cup instant coffee granules½ cup sugar¾ cup non-diary powdered creamer1 teaspoon freshly ground cinnamon powderPinch of nutmeg powderFresh milk evenly ratio ( optional)Whipping heavy cream
1. THE GIFT - Cuppacino dry mix in fancy glass jars, attach a ribbon and recipe card.🌷✉
In a glass jar, add the non-dairy creamer, instant coffe ,chocolate dry drink mix, sugar, nutmeg, cinnamon and give it a mix.Use fancy clear bottles to makes this an ideal gift. Attach a tag and leave direction for friends to make their cuppacino❤
2. To Prepare a cup of Cuppacino
Place 2 tablespoons mixture in a cappuccino mug or cup fill up with freshly brewed cuppucino mixture , let the mixture dessove stirring at intervals.A milk frother maybe used.Pour the heated frothed milk into the coffee.The cuppacino and milk evenly ratio.Whip heavy cream and pour over, spray in different msges eg. Clover leaves🍀, heart❤ and smiles😊 Finish off with drizzles of cinnamon .Accompanying the cuppacino , a cookie would be nice😊Enjoy❤Shu-Hani ❤#whippingcuppacino
Ideal homemade gifts in a fancy jar with recipe cards☕
21 Jul 2020