14 favourites
Washed potatoesMacaroniOilCrushed garlicGreen masala (optional)Milk/ freshcreamSour cream / chip and dip cheese and chives sauceKnorr cheese sauceGrated cheeseKoo creamstyle cornButterSalt and pepperAromat (a South African Spice)Dried parsley
Boil potatoes until soft
( I boiled for about an hour and then steamed in a potato bag in the microwave for 4min )
Wrap the bottom half of the potato in foil and slit the potato from the top in half not cutting all the way through and then slit in the other direction 3 or 4 times depending on the size of the potato.
This will create a grid for you to fluff the insides. Then add the butter, salt and pepper and Aromat (a South African Spice).
Top this off with mac and cheese and then the sweetcorn and garnish with parsley. (Optional to drizzle some cheese and chives sauce)
For the mac and cheese:Pre boil your macaroni with salted water and a little oil. Separately make the cheese sauce following the instructions (I used milk and cream with the powder to make it more rich).
Season the sauce according to your preference. I used salt, pepper and parsely along with crushed garlic and green masala (about ½ teaspoon each). I also added a handful of grated cheese to give the sauce a nice cheesy taste.
Mix the macaroni in the sauce once thickened and give a good stir.
For a more delicious version, top with cheese and bake until cheese melts
Alternatively, garnish with feta and spring onion (which is what I usually do but was out of ingredients this time round)
For your meat eaters, you can serve with kebabs, sosaties, sausages/wors, chicken schnitzel, etc.
12 Oct 2021