Fatima Domingo
Student Chef5
Manage catering business, Al-Shukran
Caterers. Caters for corporates, weddings
parties, etc. Also makes all types of
platters to order,traditional, daring,
upmarket, fun, sophisticated, sweet and savoury,
Loves to try out new recipes and ingre

Joined 13 years ago
19 favourites
This is my own version of leavened
buttery soft rootis. I roll them
individually for best results. The
rootis can be prepared in
advance,wrapped in clingwrap and frozen
for up to a month.Thaw at room temp and
cook as below.
For 12 rootis:
4 cups cake flour sifted
1 cup self raising flour sifted
1 teaspoon salt
60ml oil (any)
About 2 cups ice water
125g real butter or marvello margerine
Extra butter about 60g melted and 60ml
oil mixed together for frying. Only do
this when ready for frying your rootis.
The method below might seem very long
but its really not as I am doing a lot
of explaning only.
Place flours and salt in bowl, add oil
and mix (with hands)about a minute until
crumbly texture,Add about ¾ of the
water and mix. You must be able to judge
halfway through mixing if you need more
water. The dough must be soft to the
touch, not runny. Sprinkle flour if
dough is too sticky. Knead about 3 minutes
and let rest 10 minutes covered.
Devide into 12 balls-slightly bigger
than the size golf balls.Sprinkle
surface for rolling with plain flour,
Roll out one ball, the size of a side
plate, spread about 2 tpsn butter over
the whole circle(YOU WILL DEFINETLY NOT
GET A PERFECT CIRCLE,but do not worry
because after spreading the butter you
must roll it up to a thin sausage. place
one side and complete all the other
balls.Take one "sausage" keep both ends
in both hands and gently tap on surface
like one person with a skipping rope to
stretch the "sausage" Roll it up as the
diagram below and place two coils
together.lighty brush with oil.complete
with other balls. Rootis must rest in
freezer for about one hour before
use.Heat heavy base pan,roll out one
ball thin enough to handle, brush
lightly with oil and butter mix. Fry
about 90 seconds a side. Youle see as it
gets the heat it slowly starts to
leaven. Brush the othe side also lightly
with the mix. Cover with greaseproof to
keep warm.
IF any leftovers, which is very
unlikely, keep covered and can be warmed
in microwave for 15 - 20 seconds
Fatima Domingo
Student Chef5
Manage catering business, Al-Shukran
Caterers. Caters for corporates, weddings
parties, etc. Also makes all types of
platters to order,traditional, daring,
upmarket, fun, sophisticated, sweet and savoury,
Loves to try out new recipes and ingre

Joined 13 years ago