Naseema Zulfi Khan
Master Chef869
Ex Banker.
I have a passion for Cooking & Baking.. "Cooking & Baking is love made Edible"
Cooking and Baking is a lot more than food..It's Family bonding time .. ❤️ It simply gives me pleasure ..
Please note : My Recipes are personally tried

Joined 9 years ago
9 favourites
My Easy method8-10 tortillas or thin rotis side plate side(I cut each round in half ) Make a saucy tomato gravy curry Make any filling of your choiceI used chicken filling cooked with butter ginger garlic Portuguese spice chilli lemon pepper With a bit of onion fried and little robot peppers
Then I made a White sauce with lots of cheese(White sauce is optional you can only use cheeses but this gave a much creamy taste)Keep some robot peppers aside and some more grated cheeses aside for topping And Sprinkle of origanum and chopped green dhania (coriander)
Now to assemble firstlySmear lightly your oven tray with your tomato gravy Then smear each tortilla half with tomato gravy and any spicy chilli sauces (if prefer )Or any saucesThen your filling fold over or rollPlace each tortilla on your smeared gravy oven tray Then pour the remaining tomato gravy on top of it of the tortillasPour the white sauce over sprinkle withAnd lots of grated cheese again use any white cheddar Gouda or mozzarella(At this stage this can be frozen for use later and you garnish and bake later)Sprinkle with robot peppers OriganumChopped green dhania (coriander)bake for 15-20 minutes at 180* till cheese meltsServe with creamy jalepeno dip or avocado guacamole with salt pepper and lemon in the side
09 Feb 2019
Naseema Zulfi Khan
Master Chef869
Ex Banker.
I have a passion for Cooking & Baking.. "Cooking & Baking is love made Edible"
Cooking and Baking is a lot more than food..It's Family bonding time .. ❤️ It simply gives me pleasure ..
Please note : My Recipes are personally tried

Joined 9 years ago