Sous Chef40
Creative expression, real, soul-full content

Joined 4 years ago
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Adapted from : @nigellalawson
Pic credit : @saadia_b_
Pavlova : 6 egg whites 1.5 cup castor sugar 1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar 3 tablespoon cocoa powder 50g of dark choc chopped in small pieces1 teaspoon of cornstarch (maizena (corn flour).this is my addition to assist the marshmallowy centre. It is optional)
Cream : 500ml of whipping cream. 2 to 4 tablespoon of icing sugar (I use 2tbl)
Toppings : Raspberries (I use a mix of berries) 800g of strawberries and 200g blueberries are sufficient. Chocolate curls to sprinkle over. (3tbl)Icing sugar to sprinkle over (optional)
Preheat oven to 180C or 160C (fan assisted) Whip the egg whites with an electric beater until satin soft peaks form.Add in your castor sugar a little at at time, beating all the way until your meringue is stiff and glossy (approx 6 to 10min depending on your electric beater) Add in vinegar, choc and cocoa powder (and the cornstarch) and fold in gently until combined. Transfer to a pan lined with baking paper. Manipulate into a 23cm disk. Transfer to the oven immediately. Immediatly reduce heat to 150C or 130C(fan assisted). Bake for approx 1hour 15min.Switch oven off and allow the base to reach room temperature in the oven. Whip your chilled fresh cream with icing sugar until soft peaks form. Layer your cream. Add your berries. Sprinkle icing sugar and chocolate curls. . Tips for Pavlova so that you can nail it everytime ❤️ : Whip your meringue for quite a while until it's glossy and stiff. More beating, more air, a better Pavlova. Vinegar helps retain the air in the Pavlova when baking. What you're hoping to achieve is a crisp and dry outer shell and a marshmallowy centre. Undercook and it's molten inside. Overcook and it's crisp all the way through (a meringue) Allow the Pavlova to cool in the oven. Allow the oven and Pavlova to reach room temperature together. This prevents the pavlova from a heavy sink in the centre. If you're halving the recipe or making minis, adjust the heat setting accordingly. I halved the recipe for this, and I adjusted to 130C (adjust to 150C for standard oven) immediately when I transferred the Pavlova into the oven. I then reduced to 90C (adjust to 100C for standard oven) in the last half an hour of cooking time. P.s this was on a fan assisted oven. Crispy cracks in the Pavlova are totally fine. 😍A few reviews on her website mentioned that they lessened the sugar in the meringue with much success. I haven't tried this for fear that the meringue would lose its shape or that it would affect the marshmallowy centre. I just add less sugar in the cream to balance out. You may make the base, whip the cream and prepare your fruit the day before, and on the day, just assemble it together. It should be consumed within 3 hours of assembling to ensure the base is still crispy 😋. Have fun making this. It's extremely fun to make and totally fun to eat ❤️😘
07 Sep 2020
Sous Chef40
Creative expression, real, soul-full content

Joined 4 years ago