31 favourites
@ Zainub_Ismail
Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim
100g butter4 Elachi (cardomom) pods3 to 4 cinnamon sticks250g semolina or tasty wheat½ cup shredded/desiccated coconut roasted few minutes in oven till golden1 tablespoon finely ground almonds1 cup brown sugar1 litre milk (or 500ml water mixed with 500ml milk)1 eggYellow food colouringPinch saffron strands1 teaspoon vanilla essence1 teaspoon rose essence/ 1 tablespoon rose waterChopped pistachio nutsSlivered almonds Raisins optional Nestle cream for toppingColoured slivered almonds for decoration optional Little more roasted coconut for topping optional
- Mix the milk, sugar, egg, essence, food colouring and saffron in a bowl and set aside- Heat the semolina/tasty wheat, butter, Elachi (cardomom) and cinnamon sticks on stove, keep stirring so it does not burn- When semolina light golden brown add in roasted coconut and ground almonds- Heat 30 secs more- Add in half milk mixture and whisk so no lumps form (be careful as milk splatters when initially added)- Then add remaining milk mixture, stirring all the time- Add in chopped pistachios, slivered almonds and raisins if you adding in- When Sojee (semolina flour) becomes thick and sticks together close pot and steam on low (careful not to burn) or you can transfer to a pyrex dish and steam in oven till done- When serving drizzle on nestle cream (or any cream you prefer like woolies long life cream) and sprinkle with more roasted coconut and coloured slivered almonds - Enjoy :)
21 Oct 2020