6 favourites
(Vegetarian Pizza)
Author: Foodeva Marsay
You will Need:
4-5 slices Patha
½ onion sliced in half rounds
1 Cup Mushrooms, sliced
½ Cup Green and Red Peppers, diced
Tinge of Tumeric, chillie powder, Coriander and Cumin powder, Crushed chillie flakes
1 pizza dough (shared on album/gallery before)
~ Make the pizza dough and allow to rest while prepping the toppings.
~ Lightly fry the Patha slices in a little oil, remove and allow oil to absorb into kitchen paper towels.
~ Now Saute the onions in 1 Tablespoon Butter, when soft, add the mushrooms and lastly the peppers.
~ add all the mentioned spices and saute until done.
~ Roll out the Pizza Dough, place onto greased tray and spread on your favourite red chutney (samoosa dip) ~ Bake in moderate oven for 5 minutes ~ Unroll or break the fried Patha slices and distrubute evenly around the pizza base.
~ top with the sauteed veggies, and add more red chutney over all the toppings.
~ Return to oven to bake for a further +/-15 minutes, or until done to your liking.
~ Sprinkle over the cheese and dried origanum, and return the pizza to oven just until the cheese melts.
ENJOY with your favourite chutney or my yoghurt and tahini dip.
~ Don't have Patha/Patteria? You may omit it and make use of the other mentioned veggies, and also top with sliced black olives. #Yummm *#BeInspired #FoodevaMarsay
kindly share my recipes as posted
25 Dec 2017