Ruhana Ebrahim
Grand Master1366
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Tray Bake Burfee Scones
Rec cred: Ruhana EbrahimPic cred: @mama_taught_me_well
Ingredients:60g butter (room temp.)1 cup castor sugar4 eggs250ml sour milk2 1⁄2 cups cake flour1 1⁄2 teaspoon baking powder1⁄2 teaspoon salt
Burfee Frosting-Buttercream Icing-250g stork to bake (room temp.)3 cups icing sugar1 tablespoon vanilla essenceSplash milk
Burfee-500g klim,1 small tin nestle cream,3 tablespoon ground almonds,1 teaspoon Elachie powder,1 tablespoon desiccated coconut.
Syrup:¾ cup water,2 level cups castor sugar,2oz butter,Rose essencePinch elachie powder.
METHODBurfee-1. Mix together klim, coconut, almond powder, elachie powder and nestle cream and leave aside.2. In a coffee grinder, grind the mixture, little at a time, until fine like powder.3. In a deep saucepan make syrup by boiling water & sugar, stirring the entire time. The syrup will be done when you are able to make a ‘web’ between your forefinger and thumb.4. Add into syrup the butter, rose essence to taste & elachie powder.5. Pour a little at a time of syrup into dry mixture and mix, until binded. Do not pour all of syrup in, it may not be needed and will make burfee too wet.6. Pour into a greased pyrex dish (that has a lid that seals) and cool. 7. When cooled, cover with lid. Leave in fridge overnight to set.
Scones-1. Preheat the oven to 180degC.2. Cream butter & sugar until the mixture is light and fluffy. 3. Next add in eggs one at a time, beating well between each addition.4. Mix in sour milk. 5. Sift in flour, baking powder and salt, and beat in.6. Pour the batter into large greased baking pan. 7. Bake the scones for 45-55minutes, or until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. 8. Allow it to cool for 5 minutes.
Frosting-1. Beat stork to bake, sugar, milk and essence till light and fluffy.2. Add burfee to frosting and beat in.3. Add pink colouring and mix in.4. Spoon onto tray bake scones.5. Sprinkle on colored crushed badaam and cut into squares.
07 Sep 2018
Ruhana Ebrahim
Grand Master1366
Food Blogger & Food Stylist.
Fusion Cooking.
Food Author.
Mum & Wife.
Interior Decorator.
South African.

Joined 8 years ago