89 favourites
Recipe credit @qailahlemos
Pic credit. Sumi
Take 12 drumsticks And marinate it in 1 tablespoon garlic 1 tablespoon paprika 2 teaspoon black pepper Salt2 teaspoon chillie powder 2 tablespoon chopped danya. Juice of half a lemon. 2 tablespoon tomatoe puree Let it rest for few hours in the fridge
Then in a pot add the drumsticks add little oil and about 1 cup water let it cook for 10 -15 minutes. Then remove from heat and keep aside
In a plastic add 1 cup flour 1 cup mielie meal add paprika a pinch of salt and a pinch of chillie powder. Add the drumsticks in the plastic and just shake little bit so that all the drumsticks are covered in flour .remove from the plastic. And separately dip each piece in egg then in crushed cornflakes then fry till lightly golden in colour.
Serve with 🥙🥙🥗🍟veggies rice Or a nice coleslaw salad.💕
09 Sep 2018