Master Chef123
I’m just someone that loves to cook and bake.
I love to help anyone,who would like to learn to make tasty and easy meals
Anyone can cook or bake!!
So,always believe in yourself😘

Joined 10 years ago
23 favourites
📜 adapted from the internet
📸 credit @whip_it_up_with_zee
1 ½ cup sushi rice ¼ teaspoon salt2 cups water
3 tablespoons condense milk1 cup coconut milk1 ½ teaspoon vanilla essence
A Variety of fruitPineapple long strips not cubesStrawberryMango Raspberry Blueberry (l cut in half )Toasted coconutGrated fresh coconut
In a non stick pot add the water,salt and sushi rice,cook on low heat for 25 minutes.Instructions are on the packet.Add the vanilla essence,condensed milk and coconut milk.Steam slowly untill the rice is cooked.Keep stirring the rice every now and than, or the rice will stick to the bottom of the pot,and burn.If the rice starts drying out and its not yet cooked,add a little water at a time.I had to add water a few times,untill the rice was cooked through!!!The rice must be sticky so you can mould it.Not soft and runny !!!Cool the rice down.Cut up your fruit and keep it aside.For the mango strips l used a potatoe peeler to get nice long strips.
Use a bamboo mat and place a sheet of cling wrap on top.lt helps to roll the sushi.Place a layer of sushi rice down pressing down with a spatular,and even out the rice about ½ inch thick.Don’t make it too thin, or it will crack when you roll your sushi.Place pineapple strips,strawberries on top rasperries.Start rolling the sushi using the bamboo mat and cling wrap to help,makes rolling the sushi easier.Choose any combo of fruit for your sushi fruit rolls.
Place strips of mango over the top and than slice into piecesFor the other sushi rolls.l rolled in toasted coconut, and one in fresh grated coconut.Make nigiri rolls with the balance of the sushi rice and decorate with left over fruit.
I made a raspberry sauce and a blueberry and mulberry sauce for dipping .
Place fruit in a pot add ¼ cup sugar and half a cup water and cook u till the sauce thickens.The sauce must not be too thick!!!Sieve the sauce through a juice sieve and discard the seeds and peels.I used half a punnet blueberries and and half a punnet mulberries.One punnet Raspberries
Please check instagram for step by step pics
26 Feb 2020
Master Chef123
I’m just someone that loves to cook and bake.
I love to help anyone,who would like to learn to make tasty and easy meals
Anyone can cook or bake!!
So,always believe in yourself😘

Joined 10 years ago