5 favourites
2 cups maize flour/ cornmeal1 medium size grated onion 1 small grated radish 1 cup chopped cilantro/coriander leaves Half cup chopped mint1 tablespoon chilli flakes 1 tablespoon coriander powder 1 tablespoon salt or to taste1 teaspoon cumin powder 3 green chillies grind
Take a large bowl add maize flour and all the ingredients add lukewarm water as required mix it well, knead until dough becomes in the shape of balluse heels of your hands to knead the dough wellwhen the dough is done lift it in your hand and dust dry maize flour thoroughly on the kitchen slab or on anything you want to make it and then place the dough back on the kitchen slab and tap it with the palm of your hands and press it to make its shape round now put it on pan cook it on medium heat for the first five minutes and then reduce the heat to low after five minutes when its fully cooked remove the extra flour lying on the top with the help of knife then cut it in triangle or in any shape you want.
Serve with podinay ki chutni yogurt lassi and salads.
13 Apr 2020