27 favourites
PRAWNS2 kg prawns, deveinedHalf a cup cross and blackwell mayonnaise 1 cup fresh creamHalf a cup steers mustard sauce3 tablespoons melted garlic butter2 tablespoons lemon juice1 tablespoon olive oil
BUTTERNUT2 butternuts cut in cubes1 ½ tablespoons brown sugarDash of ground black pepper
EASY CREAMY SPINACH 2 bunches spinach, washed and cut2 green chilliesHalf a cup fresh cream¼ teaspoon ground black pepperSalt to taste
PRAWNSMix all ingredients together and add in the prawns. Gently toss. Place a heavy duty foil in an oven tray, spray with spray and cook and gently place in the prawn mixture.Sprinkle half the prawns with paprika and kashmiri masala, toss and resprinkle the same half.Tightly wrap up the foil and bake at 180°C till prawns are done. Careful not to overbake.Uncover the foil and allow prawns to grill on either sides.
BUTTERNUT Steam butternut till soft. Add brown sugar and black pepper.Mash well and allow to simmer a further minute.
EASY CREAMY SPINACHSteam spinach for 10 minutes and drain water. REPEAT☝️.When water has dried, add the rest of the ingredients.Mix well and allow spinach to cook a further 5 minutes.
04 Oct 2020