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Recipe by Fathima Mahomed
Pic credit by Fathima Mahomed
Wet ingredients ¼ cup castor sugar 2 Tablespoon choice butter ¼ cup buttermik1 egg lightly beaten 1 teaspoon vanilla essence 8 Tablespoon fresh creamVegetable Oil for frying.
Dry ingredients 2 cups blue ribbon cake flour (sifted) Pinch salt 2 teaspoon royal baking powder¼ teaspoon bicarbonate soda
Crack egg in a small bowl, lightly mix set aside. In a medium mixing bowl, add sugar, butter, mix until sugar dessolve, add vanilla essence followed by egg, buttermilk and fresh cream mix to a creamy batter.
Next add all dry ingredients to wet mixture and combine to make the dough.
On flour surface roll out, you can use a round biscuit cutter, just use a small cutter for the center or if you have a doughnut cutter that can be used but adjust sizes in small or medium.
In a deep pot add vegetables oil.
Fry this doughnuts in preheated oil, slowly turning them as it get brown, don't burn. Use a slotted spoon, drain, pour into prepared sugar syrup.
Simple syrup made on stove Boil ingredients... Till syrupy ½ cup water ½ cup sugarFew elachee pod 1 piece cinnamon stick
Dip in sugar syrup, immediately drain and sprinkle cinnamon sugar.
Dry mix together in bowl set aside sprinkle once doughnut is fried. 1 tablespoon brown sugar¼ teaspoon cinnamon powder.Serve these warm...
Bon appetite ❤️Shu-Hani
Serve these warm with a lovely cup of masala chai
Dough should be soft not stiff
28 Jan 2022