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Recipe by Fathima Mahomed
Photo credit by Fathima Mahomed
2 large potatoes (wash, boiled potatoe in jkt and slice) remove skin. Seasonings salt and pinch black pepper ½ teaspoon garlic paste1 teaspoon crushed green and red chilli relish 1 cup chana flour ¼ cup pea flour2 Tablespoons cake flour1teaspoon baking powder ¼ teaspoon crushed dry red chillieFresh chopped dhania (coriander)Drizzle of freshly roasted crushed jerro.
Select fresh large round potatoes, wash scrub and let it boil in the jkt. Cool, slice thin set aside.
In a bowl add chana flour, pea flour and cake flour, baking powder, combine all so that the baking powder is well distributed. Add all dry spices, throw in the wet ingredients last. Chopped fresh dhania (coriander). Make a batter with water, not too thick or too runny, enough to coat the potatoe evenly on both sides.
To the above add slice of potatoes, work with little batches at a time, swirl potatoe slices into the batter, fry these in pre heated oil, on medium, fry, flip and cook the other side to golden brown in colour. Take care oil should not be too hot. Use a slotted spoon, so excess oil drain as you remove the fried ones.
Serve these with green or red dhania (coriander) chutney.
Fry this hot, scrumptious treat just in time before serving at iftaar /Boeka table.
Bon appetite ❤️Shu-Hani
Serve this hot just before iftaar/Boeka
Use fresh potatoes for excellent crunchy taste
23 Apr 2021