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Boil rice. Drain steam set aside. Sprinkle 2 teaspoon fried onions.
Khuri:I use khuri recipe on next slide.Alternatively: liquidise2 cups sour milk 1 small onion 2 cloves garlic ¼ bunch dhania (coriander) ¼ cup phudina/mint leaves 🍃 2 chillies Saltarad (Turmeric) whole jeeru (cumin) 1½ tablespoon flour Braise 1 sliced onion in ghee (Clarified butter). Add in curry leaves Methi (Fenugreek) seeds whole jeeru (cumin) mustard seeds. Add in liquidised mixture. Boil on low.
Aloo fry:Cube 6 potatoes cook with 1 sliced onion. Salt Chilli powder arad (Turmeric) Dhana jeeroo mustard seeds. Cook till soft.
Sweet pumpkin @ salma dendar:Braise ½ teaspoon Methi (Fenugreek) seeds in oil with few Taj. Add in chopped butternut chunks. 1 teaspoon chilli powder 2 teaspoon dhana jeeroo ¼ teaspoon arad (Turmeric). Boil till soft. Add in 1 cup sugar 2 teaspoon tomato paste. Cook till dry and mushy.Mince:Braise 1 chopped onion in ghee (Clarified butter). Add in 1 teaspoon whole jeeru (cumin) 2 cloves Taj Elachi (cardomom). Add in 600g chicken mince 2 teaspoon ginger garlic @purespice_sa. Salt Chilli powder arad (Turmeric) Dhana jeeroo crushed chillies. Cook Add in 2 Liquidise tomatoes. CookAdd in 5 potatoes ¼ed. Add water. Cook on low till done.
Serve above with lekker atchaar
Khuri recipe:Liquidise- dhania (coriander) phudina chillies2 tablespoon coconut ¼ onion3 tablespoon dhana jeeroo Garlic Salt lemon juiceLiquidise and freeze in ice cube trays. Ideal shortcut
03 May 2023