Mariyam Mohamed
Master Chef137
🍰Home bakers
♥️Mon of one
🎥youtube channel (bakers bites)
🍕making 1 recipe at a time

Joined 4 years ago
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Recipe video: https://youtu.be/xk-ZPPE3ubA
T = Tablespoon t = Teaspoon
Filling 250g chicken strips¼ teaspoon soya sauce Salt1 teaspoon chilli powder 1 teaspoon chilli flakes ½ teaspoon cumin powder ½ teaspoon curry powder 1 teaspoon onion powder 1 teaspoon gralic powder 1 teaspoon ginger garlic paste 100ml oil 1 onion½ Bellpeper 2 tablespoon tomatoe sauce 1 tablespoon mustard sauce 1 tablespoon soya sauce ½ teaspoon sugar 3 tablespoon spicy mayo ½cup Lettuce
Dough1 cuo warm milk 1 tablespoon oil 5g yeast 10g sugar279g flour ½ teaspoon salt Oil for frying Sasmee seed Water for dipping
Mix chicken, soy sauce, and all the spices until the chicken is well coated. Set aside.Heat some oil in a pan and add the chicken. Cook until the color changes. Add the sliced onion and mix until it turns translucent. Add the bell pepper and mix. Add the tomato sauce, mustard sauce, and soy sauce. Mix well. Add the sugar and mix one last time. Remove from heat and set aside to cool completely.Hey, now add the spicy mayo and mix it really well. Set it aside until you need it.
In a bowl, mix warm milk, sugar, salt, instant yeast, and oil. Add flour and combine. Knead for a minute and let it rise in an oiled bowl for 1 hour.
Once the dough has risen, punch it down and divide it into balls. Flatten them gently and dip them in water first, then in sesame seeds. Roll them out (not too thin or they won't fluff up when frying). Cut each rolled dough into 4. Repeat with the remaining dough balls. Let the rolled dough rise for 15 minutes.
Deep fry in hot oil and place on an absorbent kitchen towel. The balloon bread is ready!
Cut open the bread from the middle. Mix the lettuce with the chicken filling and add it to the bread. Enjoy!
19 Nov 2024
Mariyam Mohamed
Master Chef137
🍰Home bakers
♥️Mon of one
🎥youtube channel (bakers bites)
🍕making 1 recipe at a time

Joined 4 years ago