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No Bake Cake
Inspired by naqiya mayet see recipe on insta. Below Sumi's quick version.
1 packet of Marie biscuitsIcing of choice you can go wild. Sumi used burfi, mocca, cream cheese & caramel.Smear filling on the flat side of marieStack one on top of other. 13 biscuits required for one cake. Deco as desired. Really easy & tasty.
Icings Sumi
Cream Cheese & caramel.
2 cups icing sugar.
¼ lb butter.
1 teaspoon vanilla essence. 1 tub cream cheese (lancewood).
Cream all ingrdients together until smooth. For the caramel topping just smoothen out slightly add little milk & spread on top of cake. I also layered one Biscuit with the cream cheese filling & the next one with the caramel (not the one mixed with milk) alternating until Stack completed.
Left over filling can be frozen.
Mocca icing
125g butter
1/4 cup castor sugar
Beat for 15 minutes
Then add
2 tsp coco powder
1/2 or more tsp coffee depending on your taste
2 tsp milk
Beat for 5 min. Spread on cake.
Burfi icing
125g butter
4 tbls milk powder
2 cups icing sugar
1 or more tsp fine elachi
Rose essence (optional)
Few drops Green colouring
2 tsp milk if stiff just add little more.
Beat everything together for 5 mins till smooth.
17 Oct 2018