47 favourites
3 tblspns butter, divided3 eggs, lightly beaten1 large carrot, peeled and cubed½ red and green pepper, cleaned, sliced and cubed1 small purple onion, chopped1 chilli, sliced3 cloves garlic, minced1 cup cooked rice1 cup frozen peas¼ cup soy sauce salt and black pepper to taste
Preheat a large skillet or wok to medium heat. Add 1 tablespoon of the butter into the pan. Once the butter has melted, add the lightly beaten eggs. Add salt and pepper to taste. Let them cook for about 30-40 seconds or until set, then scramble. Once the eggs are fully cooked, remove them and set them aside.Add the remaining butter to the pan when it's hot. Add the carrot, onion, peppers, peas, chilli and minced garlic. Add the salt and black pepper to taste. Allow to cook until tender, then add the soy sauce and mix well. Slowly add the cooked rice into the pan and mix until well combined. Lastly, add the scrambled eggs and mix until until combined. Remove and it's ready to eat. Absolutely tasty.
14 Apr 2020