Kitchen Hand16
I promise you there's a real recipe behind all that nonsense.
Goodluck sifting trough to find it tho 😅
Hey atleast the ingredients part is pretty sensible.
Oh and this is only the short version of the madness click on my blog link for the ful

Joined 4 years ago
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Chocolate icing for inner cakes 125 g butter 1 ½ cups unsweetened cocoa powder1 teaspoons vanilla essence 2 cups icing sugar about ¼ cup milk as needed
Ganache for topping
Chocolate loads of itFresh cream or nestlé(y) cream Drop of oil Or butterOr ghee (Clarified butter)
No not ghee (Clarified butter). please .
Before you start sample the choclate to check for quality . Good isn't it . Thats cadbury for ya. Now go ahead select a non stick sauce pan.Yea the one you used for cinnamon tea (that's a recipe on its own) last night and left to soak because you were too lazy wash it .
Yep same oneGo wash it !!!!
Ey now I must wait for u to wash ......you done wasting beautiful smelling blue sunlight liquid ?Good . (Minus the wasting part)Taste the chocolate again to be sure it is of the highest quality .It is ...Melt the. Butter on med heat add the icing sugar in slowly .Stirring all the while ( not trouble. Stir the saucepan)I said slowly yaar. Look at all the sugar on your apron .Oh thats what aprons are for .My bad.Who even wears aprons. Keep stirring.. read with your eyes yaar.you don't need to check whatsapp msgs in between Really don't. Ok just reply now you finish open the msg . Shame .Add in the cocoa No the other one! that one is the hot chocolate powder jee. Must label your jars please .Taste your mixture because you may have put Mazeina instead of icing sugar. I get it they look the same. But do they feel the same !Now did u really have to go feel to see if there's a difference. Maziena has a feel thats like how scraping a chalkboard sounds .Chalky how .you were gonna say irksome. Why you be so negative.Think happy thoughts .I said happy thought not taste more chocolate. Oh endorphin release .Makes sense.Basically you add all the ingredients together until smooth consistency then add in cut slab of chocolate That's all there was to the method and you makimg me tell you long long stories ...Oh and for the ganaache Let the cream simmer (do not burn it !!). Remove from stove Then add in a slab of sliced chocolates Some bar one chocolate that you bought for bar one cake but made the most amazing chocolate cake (yes its called that, still need to post this recipe )Those 6 lindt balls that you hid from your family and then forgot about it now they not so healthy looking .But tastes ok . you know this because u tasted one to check .you just tasted another one .This is the trick you add the chocolate to the hot cream mot the cream to the chocolate keep stirring and you get thee most amazing texture .Yep go ahead. Lick the spoon!!!
Oh but u fasting Sorry neh.
05 May 2020
Kitchen Hand16
I promise you there's a real recipe behind all that nonsense.
Goodluck sifting trough to find it tho 😅
Hey atleast the ingredients part is pretty sensible.
Oh and this is only the short version of the madness click on my blog link for the ful

Joined 4 years ago