13 favourites
•1 small onion •2 cloves of garlic •½ a bunch of fresh basil •2 Branjals•4-6 tablespoons olive oil •1 x 400 g tin of quality chopped tomatoes •500 g Penne or any pasta of your choice •80 g ricotta cheese
1. Peel and finely chop the onion and garlic. Pick the basil leaves and finely chop the stalks. Trim and cut the branjal into 2cm slices.
2. Heat 3 tablespoons of oil in a pan and sweat the onion, garlic and basil stalks for 7 minutes.
3. Add the tomatoes, season well and bring to a steady simmer. Cook for about 20 minutes.
4.Meanwhile, fry the Branjal in the remaining oil until golden, then stir into the tomato sauce with most of the basil leaves.
5. Cook the pasta according to the packet instructions, drain, then stir through the sauce.
6. Crumble over some ricotta and scatter over the reserved basil leaves before serving.
24 Sep 2020