Naseema Zulfi Khan
Master Chef867
Ex Banker.
I have a passion for Cooking & Baking.. "Cooking & Baking is love made Edible"
Cooking and Baking is a lot more than food..It's Family bonding time .. ❤️ It simply gives me pleasure ..
Please note : My Recipes are personally tried

Joined 8 years ago
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Preparation of Ingredients :
Use 2 Cans of Middlecut Tin fish(Keep the sauce aside to add later with the tomatoes) (You can use any Brand Tin fish that you prefer) Clean the Fish' and remove boneRince keep aside
Boil ½ cup Masoor (Back lentils) with a pinch of Hing or Bicarb and little tumeric till soft drain keep aside
Wash and Boil 2 Cups of any Rice with 2 tablespoon salt and 2 cloves 2 cinnamon sticks when done rince again with cold water and drain and keep aside
Steam ½ cup mixed veges drain when done Drain and keep aside
Cut 4 potatoes in thick wedges fry keep aside
Boil 2 Eggs cut in wedges when done
Grate 2 large tomatoes Add to it 1 teaspoon Amina Wet tandoori dry spice1 teaspoon Magic masala or Fresh Red Chilli paste1 & ½ tablespoon green chilli paste1 full teaspoon tumeric3 Level teaspoon Dhana Jeera powder2 tablespoon lemon juiceSalt to taste
MethodIn a pot add ¼ cup oil Add1 grated Onion and 1 finely Sliced ononBraise till light golden colour with 1 teaspoon mustard seeds1 teaspoon whole Jeeru (Cumin)½ teaspoon somph3 Elachi (cardomom) pods 2 Cinnamon sticks 4 curry leaves 2 Slit Fresh red or Green chilli 2 Bay leaves 3 - 4 curry leaves1 tablespoon crushed or Sluvered Garlic ½ teaspoon Ginger Garlic Paste Braise for few minutesAdd the tomatoes and the Sauce Cook for 5 minutesAdd the steamed vegesBraise few minutes now add the fish cook for 5 minutes Remove from stovePlace the Fish Curry in a Flat pot or casserole Add Saffron Sprinkle little Chopped green dhania (coriander) overTake the Masoor (Back lentils) and mix it to the rice -keep little rice aside (Tint it yellow if you prefer) Now put most of the rice mixture over the fish Curry Place the fried potatoes over the rice Now place the rest of the rice over the potatoesAnd the sliced Or wedged eggsMake a wagaar with ½ onion in ghee (Clarified butter) Pour this over the rice Garnish with little chopped green dhania (coriander) Cover with FoilBake at 180 * for 45-60 minutes Or Until done Enjoy with papar and salads or dahi😋
27 Nov 2020
Naseema Zulfi Khan
Master Chef867
Ex Banker.
I have a passion for Cooking & Baking.. "Cooking & Baking is love made Edible"
Cooking and Baking is a lot more than food..It's Family bonding time .. ❤️ It simply gives me pleasure ..
Please note : My Recipes are personally tried

Joined 8 years ago