23 favourites
Rehana Parak
1 kg prawn meat (shelled & deveined) 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon @all_about_food_16 seafood spice1 teaspoon @all_about_food_16 biryani spice 1/2 teaspoon @all_about_food_16 fish spice1 teaspoon Kashmiri 1 teaspoon garlic Fresh Lemon juice Marinate prawns with the above and set aside
2 large Onions chopped 2 teaspoon red garlic masala2 teaspoon salt 3 teaspoon Kashmiri chillie powder Saffron strands steeped in hot waterLemon juice 1 cup yogurt 2 tomatoes Fresh dhania (coriander) chopped
Boil your rice and keep aside, Add yor saffron to some of the rice,(I used powdered saffron from the Maldives for colour and aroma)
Braise onions in ghee (Clarified butter)/oil until pink add the rest of the ingredients above and cook until saucy Heat up a separate pan with some butter and quickly cook up the prawns, not more than 5 minutes both sides, and add to the gravy and mix through,
With back of the spoon smooth the prawn mixture down and layer yor rice over, add some fresh dhana and chillies
Set aside to steam for later, or steam immediately for serving
Note: I cooked the prawns as well as the rice until done, so steaming is for a few minutes just to heat through and the flavours mixAlso I used @all_about_food_16 masala spices, u can use any seafood or biryani spices
Serve with your favorite sides or salads
27 Apr 2021