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Recipe by Fathima Mahomed
Pic credit by Fathima Mahomed
2 kg Chicken pieces(braai (bbq) pack) Seasonings salt and white pepper 1 Tablespoon ginger garlic and freshly ground chilli relish 1 teaspoon crushed dry red chilies 2 teaspoon kashmiri powder1 teaspoon dried mixed herbs1 tablespoon chicken spiceJuice of 1 whole lemon3 Tablespoon butter ghee (Clarified butter)1 Tablespoon dry tyme herb 1 teaspoon crushed lemon pepper2 teaspoon brown sugar2 Tablespoon oil1 large Butternut2 sweet potatoes 4 pototoes scrub leave skin on. 1 large onions chopped
Prepare chicken wash, cut and drain excess water in colender. Optional skin leave on for crispy delicious potroast.In order for marinate to seeped through when pot roasting, make slight slits on the chicken pieces. Marinate with above spices, ginger garlic, chilli relish, Seasonings salt and white pepper and all dried herbs. Squeese lemon juice. Clingwrap and chill in refrigerator for half an hour. Steam chicken until juice runs clear set aside.
Chop Butternut, sweet potatoes and white potatoes wash and quick steam until soft to touch. Drain set aside. (be extra careful, veg should not be mushy, keep firm, but cooked.)
In a large flat thick based pot, add oil, fry chopped onions, sprinkle brown sugar and pinch salt, fry until Caramel in colour, drain with a slotted spoon set aside. Fry the vegetables one at a time, till slightly charred, remove and place in a container, fry until the all batches are fried.
Next add butter ghee (Clarified butter) in the same pot, add the steamed chicken, pot roast further until a beautiful golden brown in colour, sprinkle the Caramelized onions,allowing the flavours of the onions seep into the chicken, reduced to low heat until the chicken pieces are pot roasted, golden brown glazed.
Plate this on a bed of basmati white rice, arrange your chicken pieces, add your Butternut, sweet potatoes and roast potatoes. Serve these with beetroot and onion,green chillies and freshly chopped dhania (coriander) and seasonings, salad on the sides. Omit rice serve with roll, choose as required. Bon appetite ♥️Shu-Hani♥️
A excellent family treat.... Juicy butternut, sweetest potatoes and white potatoes soft inside, crispy at the edges... Caramelized onions, butter ghee seeping into those chicken pieces and slow pot roasted to hight aromatic flavours with dried spices, white peppers, salt all coming together, share with family and conversation ♥️🙏😜👨👩👦
10 Sep 2021