25 favourites
Fathima Mahomed
6 fresh yellow cling lemonsSprinkle 1 tablespoon rough salt Some fresh crushed garlic cloves 2 Tblespoon kashmiri masala 1 teaspoon tumeric powder1 Tablespoon Methi (Fenugreek) masala Dust in jerro powder ¼ cup white vinegar 3 Tablespoon sugar1 teaspoon lemon juice Fresh green chillies optional 1 tablespoon honey
Vagaar3 Tablespoon veg oil½ teaspoon crushed Methi (Fenugreek) 1 teaspoon yellow mustard seeds ½ teaspoon slightly crushed pepper corn1 teaspoon red crushed chillies Few fresh curry leaves fine salt adjust accordingly
Wash whole lemons, remove stems, scrape any blemishes on Lemon skin. Chop into small cubes, remove pips,leave to drain any excess water in a colender. Sprinkle rough salt. Once drained add all spices and toss lightly.
On stove top, place a saucepan, add white vinegar, lemon juice, sugar and bring to boil. This mixture should be thick, syrupy and sugar desolved. Lower heat, add the spiced lemon, make sure to mix all ingredients in a bowl evenly before adding to the sugar syrup. (all under ingredients)
In the meantime make vagaar with vegetables oil, Methi (Fenugreek), yellow mustard, black crushed pepper corn, red crushed chillies and fresh green chillies if using and curry leaves. Add this to the lemon mixed with syrup, toss gently until the masala is evenly covered. Add honey and a quick stir lightly on top.
You have 2 options 1. Cool, bottle and refridgerate. 2. Or cool, bottle and place near sunlight in the kitchen, to soften in the thick syrupy mixture.
Ideal with plain dal, white basmati rice, bhajee, jeera aloo fry. Alternatively you can serve this achaar with Khuri kitchree aloo fry, pumpkin, baby Spinache bhajee whatever suits your fancy.
Bon appetite ❤️Shu-Hani ❤️
Serve with plain dal, Spinache bhajee, white basmati rice aloo fry, Pumkin Khuri kitchrie Okra... Lovely with veg dishes..
Note : lemon takes time to soften adjust salt and sugar accordingly.
If syrup gets reduced, freshen, prepare a batch of just syrup and keep adding to the existing lemons, this will keep your jar filled.
04 Dec 2021