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Dough recipe:- 1 and ½ cups flour sifted- 3-4 tablespoon warm water- Combine ingredients and knead to make a soft dough.- Cover with a damp cloth and set aside.
Filling Recipe:- 800g mince (I used chicken)- 1 teaspoon black pepper- 1 teaspoon white pepper- 1 teaspoon crushed red chillis- 1 teaspoon red chilli paste- 1 teaspoon ginger garlic- 2 teaspoon soy sauce- ½ teaspoon turmeric- dhania (coriander)- Salt to taste- 1 egg- Add the above ingredients into a food processor and blend till everything is well combined.-Let it marinate for 10 minutes.
Assembly:- Separate your dough into small portions. Around the size of a R5 coin.- Flour your surface and roll into a small circular shapes.- Add filling into each wrapper and pleat the edges shut.
Cooking:- Spray cook and spray to your pan.- Add a small amount of ghee (Clarified butter) or olive oil to your pan.- Keep your stove heat on medium to low.- Add your dumplings to the pan. Allow the bottom of your dumplings to become a little brown.- Once they are slightly brown, add in warm water.- Allow to steam on low till they're completely cooked. Around 20 minutes or until the water is completely burnt out.- Let the dumplings sit in the pan for about 5 minutes to allow them to get a little crunchy.
Garnish with Dhania. Serve with any dipping sauce or on its own.
Tip: If you want to reheat or make them extra crispy put them into
the air fryer for 10 minutes on 180.
Enjoy! ✨
27 Apr 2022