17 favourites
4 eggs(separated)
½ cup oil
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
1 cup flour sifted
2tblspn cocoa
1cup castor sugar
½ cup boiling water
pinch salt
3 teaspoon baking powder
GANACHE: 250ml fresh cream,1x60g bar one,2 pieces
choclate,6 ferreros,¼ cup fresh cream
METHOD: beat egg whites till stiff. Leave aside.
Beat oil and egg yolks. Gradually add castor sugar
then vanilla essence. Sift flour and baking powder
into egg yolk mixture,add salt and beat for 2
minutes. Fold in egg whites. Grease 2 round sandwich
tins. Pour batter evenly and bake for 20 minutes on
180 degrees.
GANACHE METHOD:pour fresh cream in saucepan. Break
up bar one and chocolate and add to fresh cream.
Bring to a boil and stir on slow until choc mixes
with fresh cream. Place ganache into a mixing bowl
and leave in fridge for 3-4 hrs. Once cooled,beat
until soft peaks r formed. Spread a thick layer of
ganache over one sandwich then grate 3 ferreros
over. Place othe cake over. Spread rest of ganache
over and grate other 3 ferreros over. Deco wit
glitwr dust.