7 favourites
Pic and recipe my own
For the Tandoori Chicken:
DADA'S Chicken Tandoori Masala6 Chicken drumsticks3TB fresh lemon juice2TB brown vinegar1TB ginger and garlic pasteSunflower oilA few safron strands (optional)
Spaghetti Salad
Cooked spaghetti or any pasta of your choiceCooked sweetcornThinly sliced and chopped baby marrowsChopped red and green pepperBlack pepperSaltMayonnaiseRobertson's Aromatic Roast potato spice Butter and oil
Battered Potato Wedges
PotatoesCake FlourCorn flour (maizena (corn flour))Chilli flakesLemon pepper Black pepper OreganoGarlic PowderChilli powderWater to make a batter
For the Chicken Tandoori:
Make a marinade by combining all the marinade ingredients into a paste and marinate the chicken for a few hours or overnight.
For the Spaghetti Salad:
In a frying pan,melt a good knob of butter and add a teaspoon of oil. Next,add in the baby marrows and saute the marrows until soft.Then add the peppers and cook until the peppers are soft.Next add the sweetcorn,the seasonings and the boiled spaghetti or pasta.
Add a little water if needed,once dry and cooked add in a TB of mayonnaise. Adjust seasonings.
For the battered potato wedges:
Wash potatoes,prick the potatoes and par-boil in water. I prefer to par-cook in the microwave for about 2 minutes.Leave aside to cool. Once cooled, peel and slice into wedges.
Make a batter by combining all the batter ingredients,and add enough water to make a smooth batter.
Coat the potatoes evenly with the batter and fly in hot oil.
Substitute the tandoori spice for any brand
I used the Airfryer to fry the wedges.
28 Jun 2023