6 favourites
1kg chicken fillet-washed and cubed, 2 teaspoon
green chillies, 2 teaspoon ginger and garlic,
half a cup of dhania (coriander), quarter cup of lemon
juice, 1 medium onion chopped, 1 tub fresh
cream, 2 dollops of plain yogurt or sour
milk, 1 teaspoon crushed Jeeru (Cumin), 1 teaspoon lemon
peper,salt to taste ...liquidise the
chilies,g and g,dhania (coriander),lemon juice and onion.,ad
cream yogurt or sourmilk and the rest of the
ingredients..toss in the chicken cubes.mix well and
cover.( You cud thread the chicken in2 skewrs
alternatin with cubes of gren,red,yellow
pepers, mushrooms) or just place chicken in
oven tray,cover wit foil an bast every 15
minutes wit lft ova marinate.serve wit chips/
stir fryed veg or your choice and galic bread...