12 favourites
450g cake flour
7g easy blend dried yeast
pinch of salt
100g butter, room temperature
100g caster sugar
200ml room temperature buttermilk
1 egg, beaten
5ml cinnamon
grated rind of 1 lemon
100g dried fruit cake mix
50g flaked almonds
2 tablespoon apricot jam with 2 tablespoon hot water
5 tablespoon icing sugar mix with 1 tablespoon water
Sift the flour into the bowl and add the yeast, half the butter and half the sugar. Fit the dough hook and blend on speed 1 for 1 minute, until combined. Add the egg and milk and blend on speed minutes for 1 minute, until a soft dough forms. Continue blending on speed 2 for 2 minutes.
Remove the bowl and store in a warm place. Cover with lightly oiled clear - film and leave for about 1- 2 hours, until well risen and doubled in size. Meanwhile grease a 23 x 28cm baking tin.
Fit the bowl and dough hook and knead on speed 2 for 2 minutes. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and roll out to a 30cm square. Spread the remaining butter over the dough leaving a 2.5cm (1in) border.
Scatter over the remaining sugar, spice, lemon rind, cake mix and almonds. Then roll up. Cut the roll into 12 slices and arrange in the prepared tin well apart. Cover with lightly oiled clear - film and leave in a warm place, until doubled in size. 5. Bake in an 190C for 25-30 mintues. 6. Remove from the oven and brush with the marmlade mix. Drizzle icing over