11 favourites
1kg steak1 teaspoon ginger2 teaspoon garlic1 teaspoon black pepper powder4tblsp oil6 bay leavessalt to taste2 onions2 tomatoes
Slice the steak.Add the all spices and oil to d steak and lay it out in a flat pot.Slice the onions and tomatoes in 2 rings and arrange them over the steak. Add 1 cup of water. Cover the pot and let it cook on meduim heat until done.
FOR THE SAUCE:2tblsp oil4tblsp mayonnaise2tblsp tomato paste1tblsp coarse red chillies1 teaspoon mustard sauce 2 teaspoon peri peri sauceHeat oil and braise these ingredients for 2 minutes.Lay out the steak in a flat oven dish and pour the sauce over the steak. Heat under the grill just before serving.