10 favourites
125g melted butter1 packet digestive biscuits (crumbs)Set the base
In a saucepan pour:1 can sparletta Cream soda½ cup Cream soda cordial syrup (Dias)Add 4 teaspoon heaped gelatineHeat till gelatine meltsRemove from heat & let it cool.
In a mixing bowl whip:500ml Double cream till thick. Add ½ tin condensed milk & whip.Pour in COOLED cream soda mix from saucepan & whip well.Set on base.Refrigerate...
Finally in a saucepan add ½ cup water & ½ cup cream soda cordial. Heat.Add in 1 teaspoon Halvo Powder (dissolved in ¼ cup water) & let it boil once.Remove from heat & let it cool till room temperature. It must be cool. Set on the cheesecake slowly adding little with a spoon.
To cheat add a few drops of green food colour in both the saucepan mix to get the perfect colour.Enjoy...
A Mussa
(It's not my mums perfect kitchen so I never had the green food colour lol).