Master Chef237
I have my own business,i spend approx an hour and half a day preparing my meal.so i love easy pizzy recipes.i love traditional cooking but u have to go wit the times....

Joined 11 years ago
91 favourites
Lemon chutney apa gori recipeJuice of 12 lemon juice½ cup Methi (Fenugreek) masala¼ cup mustard powder1/4cup sugarMix all ungredients and leave over night.Liquidise and bottle.Vagaar optional...heat little olive add mustard seed and curry leaves pour over chutney.This chutney is watery
Tomato amli (tamerine) chutney60g amli (tamerine) half cupdhania (coriander) a bunch freshGreen chillies to your taste2 tomatoes largeFodina(mint) hand full5 cloves garlicSoak amli (tamerine) in water and when soft seive.Bake tomatoesWhen done add mint dhania (coriander) garlic chillies and blend fine.In a tablespoon of oil fry a few slices onions 2 tablespoon greeen chillies and a teaspoon Methi (Fenugreek) and a teaspoon mustard seeds .Pour vagaar over amli (tamerine) and cook on low heat add a teaspoon sugar when it gets thick add the tomato sauce mixture cook on low heat .When cool bottle and use as required
Red pepper and apple chutneyActually this was a boo boo I made.But in the end it came out lovely.3 red peppers cut up soak in water for a few hours with red whole chilles 8½ cup vinegar2 tablespoon mazeina¼ cup sugar½ cup lemon juice1 teaspoon red chillie powderHeat on low heat till it thickens.Liquidise all together...Mine came out so strong.Now what should I doI chopped green apple to and liqudised again with chutney and it came out lovely......
Mint apple chutneyA bunch fodina mintGreen chillies to your tasteSaltGarlicJeeru (Cumin)Lemon juiceAdd two apples and liquidise.Heat a little oil add mustard seeds and curry leaves pour over chutney.Mix well and bottle.
Red pepper chutneyFatima jada recipe3 large red peppers1 ½ cup vinegar3 whole red chilles2 tablespoon Methi (Fenugreek) masala1 teaspoon course salt750ml all joy tomato sauce1 bottle crosse and blackwell or pakco chillie sauceSoak peppers and chillies and salt in vinegar over night.Liqudise finely with same vinegar.Empty into dish and mix with tomato sauce Methi (Fenugreek) masala and chillie sauce .Re-liqudise till fine.Vagaar ¼ cup oil cloves of garlic chopped finely chopped curry leaves ½ teaspoon mustard seeds.Pour over chutney and mix well
Master Chef237
I have my own business,i spend approx an hour and half a day preparing my meal.so i love easy pizzy recipes.i love traditional cooking but u have to go wit the times....

Joined 11 years ago