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Prepare in a baking tray your favourite chocolate sponge cake recipe..do not fill so much batter into pan..cake should not be too high..I used my fav sponge :IngredientsSeperate 3 eggs..beat egg whites till stiff...leave aside
mix 2 heaped tablespoon cocoa in half cup hot milk,,add yolks..then add :1 teaspoon vanilla essence½ cup oil..and beat thensift in 1 cup sugar 1 cup flour2 ½ teaspoon baking powder..beat all that for 2-3 minutes..fold in egg whites..bake at 180 till a skewer inserted comes out clean..Allow to cool..cut cake into equal size fingersFreeze fingers till hard,to allow easier coating
ICING:125g butterBeat with whisk till creamy then add :2 cups icing sugarBeat then add1 dairy milk slab melted3-4 tablespoon nutella2 tablespoon milkCut frozen fingers in half and sandwich with icingMelt baking chocolate with oil and coat entire finger in chocolate..leave to harden..enjoy