Mrs Admin (mashuda)
Master Chef633
My name is Mashuda & i am Mr Admins wife

Joined 14 years ago
12 favourites
4 eggs
1 cup sugar
1⁄2 cup oil
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
1⁄2 cup boiling water
3 tablespoon Cocoa
1 1⁄2 cups flour
3 teaspoon baking powder
This makes only 1 round cake .,
You have to make 2 of these so double the recipe.
buttercream :
125g butter
2 cups icing sugar
¼ cup cocoa
2 big tablespoon nutella
sauce :
1 dairymilk slab
125ml fresh cream
Preheat oven to 180 degrees
beat together the first 4 ingredients . Make sure it's fluffy .
Add cocoa to boiled water .
Add flour and baking powder to egg mixture , gradually add the cocoa mixture and mix until well combined .
Using 2 round baking tin , grease the tins nicely so cake comes out easily .
Place in a pre heated oven for about 15 minutes or until done .
Allow to cool completely .
beat together butter and sugar until white add the cocoa and nutella and beat until well combined at this stage you can add more cocoa if you want .
set aside .
melt the Dairymilk with 1 drop of oil in the microwave .
place the fresh cream in a cup and heat in microwave for 20 seconds and add into the melted chocolate . mix well . should be thick or too runny . you cab adjust by adding more cream or less
assemble :
place a thick layer on buttercream ontop of 1 cake and sandwich it . now add buttercream on the whole cake . cover the cake completely and neaten .
lastly pour the sauce ontop of the cake from the middle and the sauce will run down . you can use a spoon to guide the sauce .
decorate how u desire .
p.s . if you like a moist cake then I suggest you take ½ cup water and ½ cup sugar boil it to boil . poke holes in your cake before adding the butter cream and sauce . pour syrup on the cakes ( this has to be done when cake is hot ).
Mrs Admin (mashuda)
Master Chef633
My name is Mashuda & i am Mr Admins wife

Joined 14 years ago