6 favourites
Saucy Prawns and noodles
400g prawns
1large chopped onion
Mustard seeds
Whole jerro
Black pepper
6 tomatos
dhania (coriander) and jerro powder
Schezwan sauce
Peri peri sauce
Peri peri spice
Red masala
Red chilie powder
Lemon juice
1 green pepper cubed
2 fresh green chilies
Fresh dhania (coriander) chopped
Aminas fish and prawn sauce
1 tablespoon tomatoe puree
Marinate prawns with fish and prawn sauce jerro powder half teaspoon fresh red chilies Salt garlic paste black peppers for about an hour
Heat oil add whole jerro and mustard seeds and chopped onion cook until slightly brown add ground tomatoes tomato puree garlic sauce Peri peri sauce
Garlic paste and red ginger garlic paste dhania (coriander) and jerro powder haldi khasmri chilie powder
Peri peri spice and peri peri sauce schezwan sauce salt and green cubed peppers let it cook
Heat butter and fry prawns and then add to sauce and let it simmer for 5 to 6 minutes add lemon juice and garnish with fresh and chopped chilies
Boil noodles sever with prawns