59 favourites
600 g Petite Fish fillets Or any fish of choice. I used hake
3 tspns freshly pounded Green Masala or green chilli garlic mix
2 tablespoon Lemon pepper Salt to taste Melted Butter I squeezed a lemon over this and marinated then fried in butter
Combine the green masala paste with lemon pepper and season with salt Rub over fish fillets Drizzle over melted butter and bake in a oven or fry I fried as was rushing for time
For the sauce you will need:
125 g Butter
2 tablespoon Crushed Garlic
2 tablespoon Crushed Green Chilli (optional)
1 Bottle (big) Nandos Bushveld Peri Sauce *I used half bottle as kashmiri spice very strong)
2 tablespoon. Kashmiri Chilli Powder (or any good variant chilli powder)
1 /2 cup Mayonnaise
100 ml Poring Cream Salt to taste
In a saucepan, melt the butter and add the crushed garlic and chilli. Allow the heat through until the aroma fills the air’ Add in the mayonnaise, spices, pouring cream and season with salt. Bring to a light boil. Pour over cooked fillets and bake for 15 minutes until the sauce reduces to the desired consistency. Pour over fish and then bake cover in foil for 20 minutes comes out very nice😍alhmd
Glazed carrots
I added butter nut alittle bit of garlic pepper and 1tspn sugar Braise onion with Elachi (cardomom) Stick cinnamon and some ghee (Clarified butter) sugar clean your carrots and cut in a slant shaped then add some mixed herbs and some fresh basil or dried one...then add some brown sugar and braise then I added some lemon zest and juice of lemon as well...and leave on low simmer til dne I aso added some egg yellow to give a nice glow or u can add some tumeric
Baked potatoes
baked baked potato I steamed 4 potatoes with skin on then cut it down middle and 2times across made sauce with 100ml fresh cream 2tblspn mayo and salt pepper and mixed herbs baked it woth foil on for 20 minutes bfr serving
21 Feb 2017