16 favourites
▫ Half chicken, washed and disjoint▫One third cup sour milk▫1 level teaspoon salt▫1 teaspoon red ginger garlic paste▫1 heaped teaspoon chili powder▫1 level teaspoon fine Jeeru (Cumin)▫1 heaped teaspoon fine dhana ▫Half teaspoon turmeric▫2 tablespoon tomato sauce▫1 tablespoon lemon juice ▫1 small onion▫1 tomato▫1 large potato▫2 tablespoon ghee (Clarified butter)▫Few cloves, peppercorns, 1 cinnamon stick and 2 cracked Elachi (cardomom) pods▫Half teaspoon garam masala
1. Heat ghee (Clarified butter) and braise finely cut onion with cinnamon stick, cloves, peppercorns and Elachi (cardomom) pods.
2. Marinate chicken in all spices (besides garam masala), lemon juice, tomato sauce and sour milk (adjust chilli powder to your liking).
3. When onions are braised, add in marinated chicken and cook on medium heat.
4. Add in grated/liquidised tomato.
5. When chicken is halfway cooked, add in washed and cut potato with a little water.
6. When chicken is cooked and potatoes are soft, add in garam masala and cook for a few more minutes.
7. Serve hot with roti/Puri. You may add in boiled eggs before serving.
11 Oct 2017