@Mrs Ally - Jazakallah! Oh wow must be tasty with homemade bread 💛
@User-2020-04-07i6jv4fsd - وعليكم السلام Jazakallah, ameen , you can even add some boiled noodles/spaghetti to it if you like
And its a good combination with kurri
@S_k_mansoor - وعليكم السلام, maaf for very late reply, You can have it with normal roti or even mielie meal Roti, I enjoy it with normal karak(crispy) roti that u make on the pan with little ghee on both the sides
1/2 cup coffee? Approx how mny teaspoons and 1/2 cup butter so should it be melted or normal?
@Sureya Shaik - Hopefully in any of the indian grocery stores
@Mariam - جزاك اللَّهُ خيراً 😘😄
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