Naseema Zulfi Khan
Master Chef869
Ex Banker.
I have a passion for Cooking & Baking.. "Cooking & Baking is love made Edible"
Cooking and Baking is a lot more than food..It's Family bonding time .. ❤️ It simply gives me pleasure ..
Please note : My Recipes are personally tried

Joined 9 years ago
13 favourites
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1 litre milk 200g condensed milk or to taste1 can ideal milk or nestle cream3 whole Elachi (cardomom) pods1 teaspoon crushed Elachi (cardomom)2 tablespoon oil or melted ghee (Clarified butter)Rose essenceSaffron or saffron essenceThen take1 egg ( seperate the white beat first then beat the yolk ) ..You might need another egg if mixture is dry1 cup Nespray/ Klim or Nido or any milk powder, 1 Tblp cake flour1 teaspoon baking powder ¼ teaspoon bicarbMethod
Beat the condensed & 1 litre milk and the evaporated ideal milk together Add the Elachi (cardomom) pods or crushed Elachi (cardomom) Rose essence Saffron or saffron essenceIn pot on stoveAnd allow to simmer slowly..for 10 minutes
2) Rasgulah..Beat egg white until stiff...Then add the beaten yolk.and continue beating add the oil or ghee (Clarified butter) ..add bicarb add baking powder and the nespray or klim or any milk powder and flour Mix well...add crushed Elachi (cardomom) and few drops of rose essence (I added a little vanilla to the egg )You might need another egg but use little at a time to get a soft sticky doughTake ½ teaspoon fulls of milk mixture and Make balls like for goolgulas lower all together in the simmering milk in a wide pot When all the balls have been lowered into the milk.,..continue simmeringFor a further -+30 minutes..The balls will increase in size as the milk powder swells.TRY NOT TO BREAK THEMTransfer mixture into a serving bowl..Decorate with slivered almonds, pista (pistachio nuts), crushed Elachi (cardomom) and coconut.SERVE COLDTIP YOU CAN USE READY PANEER put in coffee grinder add all rose and essences crushed Elachi (cardomom) etc
11 Jun 2018
Naseema Zulfi Khan
Master Chef869
Ex Banker.
I have a passion for Cooking & Baking.. "Cooking & Baking is love made Edible"
Cooking and Baking is a lot more than food..It's Family bonding time .. ❤️ It simply gives me pleasure ..
Please note : My Recipes are personally tried

Joined 9 years ago