Sous Chef46
Love cooking and baking and asian couzine is my favorite
I am totally addicted to recipe books and my i pad is loaded with recipes
Love nature and family and animals
The highlights of my day is when my family and at times friends gather around

Joined 8 years ago
14 favourites
Mirror glaze cake 11/2 cups sugar (300g)2/3cup condensed milk½ cup plus 1 tablespoon water8 tspns gelatine powder½ cup water2 cups white chocolate 360 gramsFood Coloring
Add the sugar ,condensed milk and 1st quantity of water to a saucepan Heat over medium low heat stirring occasionally
Poor second quantity of water into gelatin powder . Mix wth a spoon and leave to absorb water ( bloom)When the sugar , milk and water begin to simmer remove from stove and add the bloomed gelatin . Stirr until gelatin has dissolvedPour the hot liquid over the grated chocolate and use a whisk to mix until the chocolate is completely meltedDevide the glaze into bowl and add food coloring of your choiceLeave glaze to cool once it has reached 37 deg C pour it over the frozen cake which is ontop of a large cup or jar sitting in a tray wth a edge to catch the dripsLeave glaze to settle for about 15 minutes before using a spatula to remove the dripsTransfer the cake to the fridge for a few hours before serving
I made my fav vanilla cake
Once cake is cooled place butter icing In centre of cake Cover entire cake wth butter icing For a white icing use wooden spoon white margarine
Place the cake in freezer for an hour Remove once the mirror glaze is ready to pour over cake
.. there is two techniques In which u can pour the glaze 1) pour one color into centre of the first color and then pour next color into centre of the SEC color etc Pour over cake 2) pour your colors individually
I do not have a thermometer and used a hint that I found on internet The glaze must not be so hot that it’s going to run off the cake And it must also not be so cold tht it is now thick and can no longer run down the cake
Recipe credit on mirror glazed cake is from internet Sugar Gheek Show
08 Dec 2018
Sous Chef46
Love cooking and baking and asian couzine is my favorite
I am totally addicted to recipe books and my i pad is loaded with recipes
Love nature and family and animals
The highlights of my day is when my family and at times friends gather around

Joined 8 years ago