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1 ½ box Romany creams mint choc @bakersbiscuits 70g butter750g smooth cream cheese180g icing sugar 2 teaspoon peppermint essence 350ml double cream 2 slabs aero mint (135g)Green colouringAdd biscuits to a food processor and blend till crumbs add in melted butter and mix. Put into mini cheesecake tins or a large springform pan.Leave in freezer to set.Making the cheesecake Using a whisk, mix together the cream cheese, icing sugar and peppermint essence. Make sure everything is well combined then fold in the double cream.Chop up aero mint chocolate into small pieces and add into cream cheese mixture. Add a drop of colouring at a time to reach the colour you happy with. Put into cheesecake tins and level with a spatula. Cover with a foil and freeze overnight. These keep well in an airtight container in the freezer. When you need them thaw them out and I added a Lindt ganache on top with some chopped aero.Makes 24
10 Jun 2019