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1 kg steak mince 1 tablespoon crushed garlic 3 onions (chopped)1 and ½ tablespoon salt2 tablespoon dhana jeeru (cumin) 1 and 1/2Tbs chili powder ¼ tablespoon arad (Turmeric) ½ tin tomato purée1 green pepper (cubed)1 bottle all joy hot and spicy pasta sauce @dursots Lasagne sheets @fattis_and_monis Add onions, garlic and a little oil to the pot.When onions are slightly brown add in mince.Cook for a few minutes breaking down the lumps.Add in masala and cook for about 5 minutes then add in tomato purée and peppers.After 5 minutes add in your pasta sauce and cook till almost dry.White sauce 30g butter 3 cups milk3 tablespoon flour 2 cups grated cheese ½ teaspoon salt ¼ teaspoon pepper
Melt butter in a pot. Whisk the flour into the milk and add to your butter.Keep whisking and when the milk is hot you can add in your cheese.Whisk till it thickens.To layer add some white sauce at the bottom of your casserole then a row of lasagne sheets. Then white sauce over.Add half your mince mixture and repeat the process one more time finishing off with white sauce as the top layer.Lasagne is best made the day before.Bake in a preheated oven on 180 with the foil on for about 35 minutes. Remove foil sprinkle cheese over and bake for another 10-15 minutes. Leave to rest for about 15-20 minutes before digging in.
01 Nov 2019