Kitchen Hand16
I promise you there's a real recipe behind all that nonsense.
Goodluck sifting trough to find it tho 😅
Hey atleast the ingredients part is pretty sensible.
Oh and this is only the short version of the madness click on my blog link for the ful

Joined 4 years ago
17 favourites
borrowed and edited @the_tinyhumans_and_me recipe
500 g beef mince half onion water squeezed out Pepperteaspoon bbq spice 1 tablespoon Worcestershire Quarter garlicDhana Chilli powderWhisked eggQuarter cup bread crumbs
Combine all together with sanitized hands .#covid2020
ok so 500 g beef mince from the chicken
Please read slowly said in Zumas tone
See now you already judging my recipe
Basically the recipe calls for beef mince but I used chicken .
My neighbour has a rooster and it's really noisy and no we didn't use it for the chicken mince how can u even think that .
Ok where were we oh yes to that mince you add the following
half onion chopped finally
I used fried onions cos that was what I had. And besides I wasn't ready to cry for no onion.
1 tsp BBQ spice which i wondered as i sprinkled it on the mince as to why I even had this spice when I don't like BBQ anything let alone spice .
1 Tblsp Worcestershire sauce which I pronounce as war ces tuh shy yer because why waste all those letters !!
Ok actually I put soya sauce because I didn't have Worcestershire sauce and I mean the color is the same .
Quarter tsp garlic or more so I put 4 x quarters .
And then I re read that line and it actually
Read quarter tsp garlic , No More .
Oh well we like garlic we not vampires .
Chilli powder It didn't say how much so I kept adding till I sneezed.
No not into the mince obviously.
Into my hands that was mixing the mince
Ok sorry .
No drama no jeera
Haha you read dhana but I said drama
Oh you didn't
Ok don't be dramatic about it
1 whisked egg
Like we never had enough of whisking with dalgona
Quarter cup bread crumbs
I didn't have
And wasn't gonna make
So I crushed some blue dorito's.
you Indian if you say blue dorito's and yellow doritos instead of cheese flavor etc.
Ya and thats it
I think
Twas lekker
Follow @not_even_a_blogger on Instagram for more recipes and what what
14 Apr 2020
Kitchen Hand16
I promise you there's a real recipe behind all that nonsense.
Goodluck sifting trough to find it tho 😅
Hey atleast the ingredients part is pretty sensible.
Oh and this is only the short version of the madness click on my blog link for the ful

Joined 4 years ago