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2 packets boudoir biscuits1 cup hot milk, 1 tablespoon sugar 1 can caramel treat1 tablespoon boiling water 300ml fresh cream...
Ganache:- 1 can dessert cream 100g aero
Line the sides and bottom of a loaf pan with plastic wrap.Stir in sugar into hot milk. Dip biscuits into hot milk and arrange at the bottom of a loaf pan. beat the caramel and water until smooth.Spoon half the caramel over biscuits.Pour half of the whipped cream over caramel. Repeat the procedure until u have two layers of caramel and cream. Now place a 3rd layer of biscuit right at the top. close with cling wrap and leave in fridge overnight. Turn the loaf over onto cling wrap and remove wrap. Pour ganache over and decorate as desired