Kitchen Hand16
I promise you there's a real recipe behind all that nonsense.
Goodluck sifting trough to find it tho 😅
Hey atleast the ingredients part is pretty sensible.
Oh and this is only the short version of the madness click on my blog link for the ful

Joined 4 years ago
10 favourites
pinterest probably
Muesli(m) Granolo (like Yolo) Bites
2 cups granolaQuarter cup honeyQuarter cup peanut butterNuts ,berries , raisins ,coconutyou decide Yea thats it
Oh and 2 mashed bananas
so anyways I only made this because I had little granola in a large packet and I was cleaning my cupboard and the ocd in me couldn't handle this
Large packets or bottles with small amounts really do get to meSo I took the last of what was in the granola packet and decided to make something
I asked the pinterest and she's like oh healthy no bake date bites and im like no uh Something like healthy but not so healthy if you know what I mean She didn't .
Yes pinterest is a she we've already established this!Remember when they said the Google is a woman because she knows everything but no the Google isn't female because the Google usually sends you to pinterest so thats how we know pinterest is of female species . you welcome.
Unnecessary information. But you like it..
Can you focus nowHonestly
Let's just get to the method forget the history lesson .So whatever granola u have left in your cupboard Under 2 cupsyou know I'm actually lissing/lussing for Haleem So much that I may even make it from scratch like with that box mixture. Ok sorry the method
Once again as with everything we make and by we I mean I We use the gooi methods.If you don't know what the gooi method is Where are you living!!Under a rock ??!Ok that must cool.But like isn't it dark there.Oh solar lighting .Interesting..
Gooi method is where you goooi (throw) everything No step 1 step 2 etc .So gooi the 2 mashed bananasThe whatever granola you have left .Pinterest said quarter cup honey but hello does she know the price of woolworths honey . No she daas uhnt (do the head thing and finger thing . I hope you know what I'm talking about) So I put some honey and some brown sugar . Because brown just feels like it can fit in with the healthy equation.But not brown people we unhealthy as hell. And by we I mean me . (And you . Its true .. Wonder why pizza😍exactly) Uhm what else Nuts if u have coconut too. Berries? Raisins?Let your tastebuds decide but don't go tasting now yaar we fasting , ey you. Quarter cup penaut butter but I didn't put that either cos peanut butter is for toast .Yea then add some flour if you finding it too sticky and then bake it how...And done Why you want to complicate things.Oh and do, definitely do . Coat in chocolate because I mean Chocolate.
29 Apr 2020
Kitchen Hand16
I promise you there's a real recipe behind all that nonsense.
Goodluck sifting trough to find it tho 😅
Hey atleast the ingredients part is pretty sensible.
Oh and this is only the short version of the madness click on my blog link for the ful

Joined 4 years ago