107 favourites
📝shared by @zakeracasojee
In a pot take ⅓ cup plain flour pour in ¾ cup water mix it really well, put on to cooker low heat mixing all the time till it’s thick smooth mixture, take of heat cool, In stand beater bowl add in 4 cups plain flour, 1 & ½ tablespoon instant yeast, ¼ cup sugar, 2 tablespoon milk powder, 2 teaspoon salt & previously cooked dough, 1 cup milk, 1 egg, mix all this with dough hook then add in ¼ cup soft butter, mix really well till it forms a soft smooth dough, lightly grease a bowl put dough in cover with cling wrap leave to rise 40 minutes, punch it down shape into small bread roll sizes,roll it out oblong shape, bring the two outer sides In just little bit not meeting the both ends then roll up like a Swiss roll, place in lined baking tray let them rise 15 minutes are so brush with egg and bit of milk mixed in, bake in preheated oven 180 deg C 20 minutes till golden brownonce out of oven cover with cling wrap leave to cool enjoy with lashings of butter and tea are grate in cheese whatever u like really delicious best rolls ever...😋
06 Jun 2020