35 favourites
📸 salmah dendar
📝 @najeebahscuisine
Adapted by @a_tale_of_sauce_and_spice
½ cup warm milk½ cup warm water 2 teaspoon yeast Mix and let it sit for 10 minutes covered till frothy then add in:2 cups flour sifted1 teaspoon salt2 teaspoon sugar
Attach a dough hook attachment to the kenwood stand mixer and knead a soft dough while it's coming together add in 2 tablespoon melted butter or ghee (Clarified butter) once the dough is nice and soft cover it and let it rise for 1 hour or till double in size. Decide the dough in to 6 equal balls form balls with your hands cover them with a kitchen towel let it rest for 10 minutes. Shape them in to ovel shapes like shown in the picture (swipe to see) make long cuts using a sharp knife, dust a tray with dry flour place the rolls on it cover with a kitchen towel and let it rise for 20 to 30 minutes then bake on 180°C for 15 to 20 minutes or until golden keep it covered. Serve hot.
01 Aug 2019