Kitchen Hand16
I promise you there's a real recipe behind all that nonsense.
Goodluck sifting trough to find it tho 😅
Hey atleast the ingredients part is pretty sensible.
Oh and this is only the short version of the madness click on my blog link for the ful
Joined 4 years ago
8 favourites
Chicken 12 eggs beatenBread crumbsSouthern coatingSaltGreen masalaPepper
Some of yall be asking for a less morbid recipe of the fried chicken I made the other yesterday ( Eons ago , fine)
So here goesWhat do you mean what morbid recipe you talking aboutdon’t you follow my Instagram
you don’t!!AstaghAllah grant you hidayaat
Nah don’t waste your time following me I post nonsense
Rather subsribe to my blogThere’s majority nonsenseAnd hey majority wins right
Aaaaaaaaanyways( read with tajweed)
For the recipeYa gonna needA chicken (dead preferably )It’s babies (2 eggs)Volcanic ash ( ok fine !! black pepper same to same )Sea crystals (salt)Green chillies OBVIOUSLYIf you stalk me on insta you will know my obsession with green chillies in cooking
Take the above ingredients except the eggs and massage your chickenBack neck and shoulder massageOh great you broke the neck LitterallyForget the massage just put that corpes straight into the morgue to RIP overnightAlso Why do we say litterally for literally everything
Cook the chicken till uhm well cooked I guessBeat the babies ( I feel like theres a word for baby chicks…oh) seasoned with salt and pepper and embalm them.Ponder on how the chicken is feelingyou first broke her neck now you beating her unbornsStop pondering ,the chicken doesn’t have feelingsShes dead rememberMurdered !
By you!
coat in breadcrumbsYes basically the food she’s would have eaten had you not killed her
Repeat skinny dipping processNo , no that skinny dipping
Tell me something if you singing in the shower while washing your hair and get soap in your mouth is it a soap opera ?
ok where were we
deep fry the bodies
no not cremate
and done
I usually make this in the am then heat it in the furnace before serving
serve with rabbit food (coleslaw)
spanish speaking rolls
tortured potatos (mash) and brown liquid (gravy)
14 Sep 2020
Kitchen Hand16
I promise you there's a real recipe behind all that nonsense.
Goodluck sifting trough to find it tho 😅
Hey atleast the ingredients part is pretty sensible.
Oh and this is only the short version of the madness click on my blog link for the ful
Joined 4 years ago