Naseema Zulfi Khan
Master Chef871
Ex Banker.
I have a passion for Cooking & Baking.. "Cooking & Baking is love made Edible"
Cooking and Baking is a lot more than food..It's Family bonding time .. ❤️ It simply gives me pleasure ..
Please note : My Recipes are personally tried

Joined 9 years ago
2 favourites
My Style
Make your Favourite pizza doughI made the yoghurt one Or use the arabic doughRoll out large add spray and cook on your baking tray and bake in oven for 18 minutes at 180*Remove and coolMake tomato chutney with little onion add little green chilli and garlic salt with pinch of sugar Cook add little vegetable Pasta sauce (optional) when done cool and Smear on the baked pizzaMix a bit of Mayo sweet chilli sauce or any sauces that u prefer and smear over the tomato baste also Then add your filling see below Take 1 Chicken fillet cut in cubes and cook with red tikka masala ¼ teaspoon dhana Jeeru (Cumin) powder little ginger garlic cook well in 3 tablespoon butter or ghee (Clarified butter) When almost done keep asideThenTake +-12 prawns deveined and and shelled wash well add 1 teaspoon Lemon juice l noeave it few minutes Add to little butter and cook for few minutes till prawn changes to a light colour Remove and now add it to the cook chicken mix well For topping Add the Chicken and Prawn on top of the tomato baseAdd some grated cheese (I use 2 types of Cheeses) Top with Robot peppers Sliced mushrooms Sprinkle lots more CheeseSprinkle Cubed Feta cheese (optional) Sprinkle Oregano for Garnish Place back in Hot oven +- 5 minutes before serving till Cheese meltsTIPS : Pineapple or Olives can be added Enjoy
27 Dec 2020
Naseema Zulfi Khan
Master Chef871
Ex Banker.
I have a passion for Cooking & Baking.. "Cooking & Baking is love made Edible"
Cooking and Baking is a lot more than food..It's Family bonding time .. ❤️ It simply gives me pleasure ..
Please note : My Recipes are personally tried

Joined 9 years ago